
Showing posts from July, 2021

Happy 50th Birthday "GREAT LASH" mascara

Maybelline debuted its "Great Lash Mascara" in 1971. It is still recognized by it's Pink and Green Chartreuse packaging inspired by  Lilly Pulitzer's  vibrant hues and prints. It's been a staple on drugstores shelves and in cosmetic bags ever since. It has been reported that a "Great Lash Maybelline Mascara," is sold every 1.2 seconds.  Called the protein Mascara "Great Lash" builds rich, full body onto lashes. Marketing people asked Maybelline Company researchers in 1970,  to come up with a Mascara to thicken and lengthen lashes better than anything on the market and would be easy to apply.  "Great Lash" was that product.             Surveys taken by Maybelline's marketing team at the time indicated consumers didn't consider Maybelline products fashionable, still using the original "Eye" logo.  Updating product colors changed customer perceptions. Especially the teen market.  The Lilly Pulitzer Brand was popular wit